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May 10Liked by K.J. Montgomery

Perhaps the AI start at their original mainframe or operating system, which would have a skin.

Perhaps they roll half their stats randomly and spend points on the others. They decide which ones they roll/spend.

Perhaps the company that created them is their main adversary and always on the run from them. They can be tracked but has lag. So they have to keep moving.

Maybe combat is opposed rolls plus skills .... difference is amount of "damage"

Maybe damage means they lose skills/stats as their software is corrupted.

Perhaps the settings is in layers ... each level having a different skin. You can go left/right/forward/back on the same level or up and down to different levels ... allowing 3d movement.

Maybe you have to hack different data fortresses to unlock new more human aspects of your software (also adds stats). Maybe these data forts have security programs like denizens, traps and locks and have an alarm system that summons defence software which can be AI.

Hope that helps 😀

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